Visioning Spaces has already received so much international support….
“The world right now has a deep hunger for peace. The project of Harman and Mirabelle continues to germinate in the hearts and minds of all around.
Visioning Spaces is more than an idea it is a way of living life to the fullest as we continue to learn to listen again to the hearts and minds of all people
I feel humbly honoured that I walk the journey with Harman and Mirabelle together.”
Rev John Joseph Mastandrea,
Toronto Ontario
“Visioning Spaces is a kindred spirit to the Rothko Chapel.”
David Leslie, Director,
Rothko Chapel, Houston, Texas.
“This is most impressive and futuristic “NOW”. I feel that it all ties in with how we move forward into the creation of a higher level vibration of existence where harmony is the ‘Key Note’.”
The late Dumah Leach,
Manchester, UK.
“An interfaith focus.”
The late Sid Ikeda,
Japanese Canadian Cultural Institute.
“I was deeply touched by the received messages from Harman and Mirabelle Viviana, which led me to learn about their envisaged project of Visioning Spaces. People might say it’s a dream, an ideal, that can only exist in the imaginative realm. For me it’s easy to see Visioning Spaces as an opportunity to create a peaceful place for reflection and relaxation. Such places are much needed in our busy society led by materialistic values and with so many people suffering the consequences of that poor reality. It just takes the right people to get together at the right moment and in the right place, to make Visioning Spaces an actual location where human beings can go to be with themselves; free of religious, political, or any other influence, and being lifted to a different dimension of life.”
Hannah de Roo
“Visioning Spaces will help many people experience themselves and the world in a new, yet ancient, way; with a connection to the Mystery within, a clear path forward becomes a possibility.”
Gordon Campbell
Toronto, Ontario
“A living sanctuary, living into the future. The next phase in spirituality.”
Rev Wayne Walder
Toronto, Ontario
“A world centre focus for Toronto and Canada as an interfaith centre.”
“A beacon, an anchor. It strengthens our pluralistic society.”
“It is an element for the future, for healing and nurture”
“It will create unity”
“Brings added value to the community, health and tourism.”
Barbara Boraks
CEO, Christian Jewish Dialogue
“It is not dogmatic, it is living, flexible, for the future.”
John Voorpostal
Chairperson, Toronto Interfaith Harmony Week
“A peaceful escape from hectic modern life”
Chris Leigh
Manchester, UK
“Inspiring idea with an exciting future”
Theresa Kitching
Manchester, UK
“Serves ‘Multi-faceted’ spirituality.”
Anita Bromberg
Canadian Race Relations Foundation, Toronto, Ontario
“Visioning Spaces is a journey, not just a destination – enjoy it!”
Mark McGuire
Toronto, Ontario
“Wow…Beautiful…Going to be an amazing place.”
Alex Alistair Brown
Perth, Scotland
“A space where people can have a conversation with their true inner selves, with the ‘Divine Imperative’, in order to find inner peace, and direction in their lives.”
Rev Dr Karen Hamilton
“A place of quiet and reflection in a turbulent world.”
Paul McKenna MA
Interfaith Office, Scarboro Mission, Toronto, Ontario
“Visioning Spaces is a catalyst for change, in individuals and society, towards inner peace, and peace between people.”
Anne Brown
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