Relax, relax. Take your time.
Be gentle with yourselves. Take your time.
Visioning Space needs a leap of faith.
We will not be able to explain every step along the way. Just go, one step at a time.
The main thing is to enjoy the process of Visioning Space and feel the passion and joy. It is like a compass. Follow this compass. The joy from deep within is our compass; where we are heading. It is important that the joy arises, to keep you motivated.
You are not alone in manifesting the building of Visioning Space. Let go of that idea. There is loads of help; take it. There is always backup from friends, ancestors, angels, God. Let yourself fall into this group of people, and you are held. You are safe.
We are so protected. We can go lots of ‘wrong’ ways and we are protected, safe.
Peace grows once Visioning Space is clear. We don’t need to find out everything before we proceed [on this journey]. Trust we are OK as we are.